A new edition of the project, “Profiles, approaching the fact of emigration” at secondary schools in Taradell and Tona.
In this year's “Profiles, coming closer to the fact of emigration” project, 132 third year pupils from secondary schools in Taradell and Tona, and 23 people, from 18 different countries (Uruguay, Honduras, Morocco, Columbia, Portugal, the UK, the Ukraine, Russia, Thailand, Peru, Ecuador, Spain [Múrcia], the Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, India and Argentina), presently living in the county of Osona, mostly in Tona and Taradell, have participated.
The project, which began in January and ended in May 2016, consisted of work in a variety of formats, both inside and outside the classroom.
Bet Pol, Community Outreach Officer from the La Plana Commonwealth, brought debates and dynamics regarding the social, demographic and economic data and causes of the fact of emigration to the classroom.
The pupils themselves accomplished the most practical part of the project, making their own personal approach to emigration through interview-conversations with people who had emigrated, and who told them about their experiences.
These were recorded and edited by the pupils themselves, with professional assistance, for later screening in the classroom. Also, the pupils from the Tona Secondary School complemented this work with a sculptural exhibition mounted in their own school.
To complete the project, the organisation ImpactaT arranged some classroom workshops based upon the tools offered by the “theatre of the oppressed” in order to study the stereotypes, the prejudices and the rumours around immigration.
The professionals who coordinated and executed this project were highly satisfied with their experience, and made special recognition of the pupils' effort and motivation, and of the enthusiasm of the teaching staff involved, giving enormous thanks to those who were willing to share a part of their lives with the community as a whole.
This is an educational project which concentrates upon multiculturalism and learning about cultural diversity, promoted by the La Plana Commonwealth's Coexistence Plan, and supported by the Diputació de Barcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya. Technical and audiovisual support was by the Centre d’Arts Contemporànies ACVic, through the professional work of Lorda Crusellas.
All interviews were shown around World Cultural Diversity Day, during the week from 16th till 21st May, at the Tona Public Library, and during the week from 21st till 28th May at the Taradell Public Library.
For the first time, both public libraries carry in their archives DVDs from all editions of the project which are available for lending through the usual lending service.
Each interview is available on the La Plana Commonwealth's YouTube channel, as well as a compilation of all interviews together, lasting 10 minutes in total.