

miniespai brExperiment, create and play

At ACVic, we have created a new reading and playing space where children, teenagers, families, educators... where we can discover various games, illustrated books or albums, to inspire them to create, experiment and play through contemporary artistic activities.

In playful surroundings, you can discover art games and books and do the activities, making use of materials which will be provided and the help of the specialists. You'll discover new ways of playing with creativity, including various ways of understanding the contemporary arts.

When we can use the Minispace?

- the use is free, and the opening hours are:

From Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00 h and from 17.00 to 19.00 h
Saturday from 11.00 to 14.00 h and from 17.00 to 19.00 h
Monday, Sunday and Holidays closed

Who the miniespai is aimed at, and how to use it:

- Accompanied children, and young adults and family groups. Discover, read, create and experiment together.

- Teachers seeking to bring new activities in the classroom.

- And anyone interested in discovering new play and educational resources within the field of the visual arts.

* The ACVic team can offer help to anyone using the Miniespai, and the books to be found there.

tallercomic br 01How to create comics Workshop

January 16th, 23rd and 30th and February 6th
From 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Ages 12 to 16

In collaboration with Biblioteca Pilarín Bayés and Vic Jove
With the intervention of the artist Francesc Ruiz

activitats families 24 25 br 01Ludic visit to the ACVIC exhibition

Saturday 19th October
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

The ludic visit suggests new ways to approach the exhibition 3 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS, 3 DAYS, by artist Francesc Ruiz.

visita juganera estructures brA ludic visit to the ACVIC exhibition

Saturday 25/05
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

As part of ART+ESCOLA+MORT exhibition

> Free activity

shaun tan brFamily workshop on remembrance

Saturday, December 16th, 2023
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

As part of the exhibition MORTALS (Prelude)

A Space ForLost Things aims to delve into the world of remembrance.


miniespai jocs

Afternoon of guided games

Family workshop at the ACVIC Miniespai

Saturday, October 7th, 2023
From 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

retrat personal tria 27Personal portraits

A family workshop

Friday 29th September 2023
From 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies


cianotipia mestreAndreu brFamily cyanotype workshop

Saturday, June 17th, 2023
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

As part of the ART+SCHOOL+ROOTS exhibition

AE11 la pitota br Family workshop
Adults and children from 3 years and up

Saturday June 18th, 2022
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Guided visit and activity from ART + SCHOOL + CARING.

An invitation to discovery and play, finding out about the many ways of caring for each other within the family.

> acces to the registration form

tallerfamiliar Cano 01 br Family workshop

Part of the Jordi Cano Exhibition

5th March 2022
From 11 am to 1 pm
At ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. Vic]

Guided tour and parallel activity, part of THE JORDI CANO UNIVERSE exhibition.

març Act13 br mans
Creative ideas to help pass the quarantine

#ensquedemacasa #StayAtHome

So we have to stay a few days at home. How can we make best use of the time?
Now is when doing things together as a family, and enjoying creative pastimes, might not be such a bad idea!

We at ACVic have gathered 14 easy-to-do suggestions for activities which will help every member of the family express their creativity and imagination!

We’ve chosen a number of activities from ACVic’s family workshops, one for each day.

They won’t take long, and may be adapted according to participants’ ages.

Ready to start? So, listen and concentrate. You’re invited to become real explorers, looking into all the corners of your home. But be warned, you’ll need to make good use of all five of your senses!

orquestra 2020 br
A collective creation experience set around a Happening

A creative experience by Rafa Castañer and David Faure

Saturday 16th May 2020
From 11am to 13pm

Everyone present at the activity will invent a Happening together. This is a collective creation experience in which, at the end of the session, we’ll conclude with an "artwork" somewhere between performance, music and drawing.
Come with all your senses wide open, and in a frame of mind to laugh your head off! We open the doors to all forms of movement, and all kinds of ways of thinking and expressing ourselves, bringing them altogether and celebrating them in community.


difu TallerFamilia 13 06 brFamily Mask-making workshop

Saturday July 13th, 2019
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
At ACVic Center for Contemporary Arts

"In our family, this is how we say hello to each other." "Well, when it’s time to say goodnight, this is what we do." "We like to sing this song in my family." "When you celebrate a birthday, do you ever dress up in fancy dress?"

With the support of OSIC Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

taller miniespai montseny08 brThe activity goes beyond designing exhibitions and disseminating contemporary art.
During the year, the centre carries out a full programme of collaborations and activities with a variety of social and cultural organisations which seek, using creativity as the main ingredient, to integrate vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion, and to encourage art among children, teenagers and young adults.

With the support of OSIC Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural del Deparament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


taller miniespai nuvols cabreres 02 brWORKSHOP AT THE MINIESPAI

Educational offer for schools

Students from El Cabrerès de l'Esquirol School and el Riu Vic participated in the workshop What is hiding in the clouds? at ACVic’s Miniespai.

Thursday 7th and Tuesday 26th of March 2019

Based on the Peng & Hu book HIRAMEKI Clouds: Draw What You See, we looked for imaginary forms, animals and characters hidden in the clouds, shadows and other elements in the Centre of Art's surroundings.

taller albums suzylee 01 br

Collaboration between Joan Triadú Library and ACVic Centre of Contemporary Arts during the 2018-19 school year.

Workshops took place studying two children’s picture-books: The House, by Roberto Innocenti and Patrick Lewis, in the first term, and the picture-books of Suzy Lee's The Border Trilogy (Mirror, Wave and Shadow) in the second.

miniespai adoberies 25 maig 15 br6th year primary school students, Escola Vic Centre
Friday 25th May 2018

With the exhibition Sharing Processes / AFLUENTS as the starting point, and as part of the Miniespai, ACVic presented a workshop activity focused upon learning about one of the town’s most important heritage sites: Les Adoberies district.

Seleccio AlbumsBiblio Soldadet 2017 18 03A collaboration between the Biblioteca Joan Triadú and ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, with the Regidoria d’Educació.

During the school year 2017 - 2018, a number of workshops took place, in collaboration between the two local organisations.

They took three different illustrated children’s books as their subject-matter: The Enemy, by Serge Bloch (Biblioteca Joan Triadú), The Steadfast Tin Soldier, by Jörg Müller (Biblioteca Joan Triadú and ACVic), and El Buit (The Void), by Anna Llenas (Biblioteca Joan Triadú and ACVic).

Difu miniespai 16 06 18 brSaturday 16th June 2018
From 11am to 1pm
At ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

Explore, experiment and create, based upon the book Juego de los colores by Hervé Tullet. 

A purple square, a green circle and an orange triangle are looking for their parents. Can you help them find their family?
A summer workshop where you'll see what happens when you mix colours!

difu TallerAdoberies brSaturday 12th May 2018 
11 am to 1 pm
ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic).

6 € per family

An opportunity to find out about and play in one of the town’s most important heritage sites: Les Adoberies.

Have you heard of Les Adoberies? What does it need? LIFE! An invitation to visit the Compartint processos / AFLUENTS exhibition at ACVic as the starting point of a workshop aiming to bring back life to Les Adoberies!

albums illustrats brA collaboration between the Biblioteca Joan Triadú, ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies and the Department of Education.

The various workshops will take place at ACVic, and the resulting albums will be exhibited at the Biblioteca Joan Triadú.

Exhibition of resulting albums at the Biblioteca Joan Triadú
From 18th May until 17th June, 2017

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