
clota 31 juliol br
Espai Col·lectiu La Clota
Activity related to the program VicTROC

31.07.2020. From 7 p.m to 12 p.m
in the Parc Jaume Portell, in front of ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

With the participation of La Ludwig Band, Carles Bertran, Jaume Coll, Barba Corsini, Remei Reviu, Grup de Defensa del Ter, Ona Fusté and Gèls, Cèlia Tort and Laura Marsal.

Cami Aline brKAGALI - VIC

This year's edition of Art and School invites a school in Kigali, Rwanda, to participate in its programme, taking advantage of the fact that artists Toni Casassas and Mireia Bover are working in Rwanda on the project "Aline's Path", an experimental art project that uses visual art as a medium for collective creation and communication across the world.


The art of walking and relational geobraphies

From 5th to 9th July

Organised by Nau Côclea

AlbertComaBau KALI brA video by Albert Coma Bau

“During the lockdown, I gave up the studio where I have worked for the past seven years.
The day I entered the studio, I covered the whole floor with paper, so as not to stain the original ground while I was working.
The paint stains, the rips in the paper, the lived experience in that space and time, all left their marks on that surface.

OBLICUAS Fer el Got web brPerformative vermouth

Sunday, September 18th at 12 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1. Vic)

Free activity with prior registration.

Lescola cuina barri web br

Do you want to participate?


teresa w brA musical experimentation workshop

With Teresa w ··¨·.*·.:*

8th, 9th and 10th of July
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Aimed at young people between the 4th year of Secondary School and the 2nd year GCSEs
Free workshop


A laboratory for critical games

Cristina Valero and Isabel García, Cosicosa

Sala ARTJove prize 2019, in the category of Education with the ACVIC's collaboration.

Project realised with fourth year students from El Roser secondary school, in the town of Sant Julià de Vilatorta, and Vedguna-Escorial Vic secondary school, Vic.

imatge clotaFriday 16th April at 6 pm
With Ràdio Clota, curated by Oscar Holloway, with the complicity of Anna Dot
At the porch of Atlàntida Centre Arts Escèniques (Francesc Maria Masferrer, 4 Vic)

Activity linked by the project Quasi Veu

presentacio lleida br


With the crisis caused by COVID-19, the impact to the visual arts sector is, and will be, huge, with the additional complication that we have arrived here from previous circumstances of systemic and economic deficiency.

As Xarxa de Centres d’Arts Visuals de Catalunya, we remain aware that we must work harder than ever to help keep the visual arts sector active. This is why we are convinced that art centres must work hard to support our sector in each region, while at the same time coordinating with the actions undertaken by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat, and those of other organisations and associations in the sector, such as the Plataforma Assembleària d’Artistes de Catalunya, the Associació Catalana de Crítica d’Art, Xarxaprod, Actua Cultura, ArtBarcelona and the Gremi de Galeries d’Art de Catalunya (Guild of Art Galleries of Catalonia).

caminar permetre tarragonaDeriva Mussol, as part of ACVic, Centre d’Arts Contemporànies de Vic’s schedule of activities, in collaboration with the Master’s Degree Course in Urban Anthropology, Migrations and Social Intervention at the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona, Grandes Runes de la Cup , local artists and cultural agents, invite members of the public to Walk Around the Perimeter #Tarragona.

On October 31st a conference will take place in the context, and then on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of November 2019, we will take a walk around the perimeter of Tarragona in a new process of uncovering the town between studying its margins and the history of its people.

Free activities Limited places.

Pre-registration needed.

[view program]

deriva mussol terrassa brDeriva Mussol, is mounting an open call for participants in the Caminar el Perímetre #Terrassa project,anactivityincluded in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies’s programme (a centre managed by H.Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies), and with the collaboration of local artists and cultural agents.

The call is for a walk around the perimeter of Terrassa on the 15th and 16th of June, a new exercise in discovering the city limits and local stories narrated by different people.

Registration period ended.


foto presentacio microgrames brActivities related to the project and publication Microgrames 
Octuber 2018 - January 2019
Barcelona, Girona, Tavertet and Vic

Artistic project by Alícia Casadesús, in correspondence with poet Antoni Clapés.

Microgrames originates from the need to share the making of something, to materialise a look at nature, at art and writing, and, in general, at the world.

Alícia Casadesús, visual artist and poet Antoni Clapés, maintain a correspondence over four years that has become an artistic journey.

cacis br

Presentation El Forn de la Calç, from the minery industry to the cultural industry. Activity within the framework of the 10th Annivesary of CACiS.

Thursday 20th December at 7 pm 
in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

Presentation organitzed by Plataforma Assambleària d’Artistes de Catalunya with the collaboration of   H.Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies.

[view postal]

paic anna dotResidence of Anna Dot with the danish artist Jette Ellgaard in Søro (Denmark)
From the 7th to the 19th of May  2018

Project of the program PAIC Participatory Art for Invisible Communities

The women from the Afrika Strik project in Dianalund showed us the different products that they volunteerly knit and sew. They explained us that they meet once per month, share some coffee and pastries and knit together for a while. The products that they create are distributed to countries in Africa and Eastern Europe with charity purposes. They have showed us all the products they make.


Perimetre brFree activity

Saturdays 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of the month of April.

At Deriva Mussol, we walk the perimeter of villages and towns in order to capture their presence and intensity from the boundaries that border them. The physical action of walking offers us new languages of measurement, observation and analysis which come together in the course of stepping out.

taller mybookcase brGuided visit and brainstorming workshop
Part of the El taller del lector project
With My Bookcase (Julia Doz and Cristina Garriga)

Saturday, 7th April
From 11 am until 1 pm

The workshop will take place at ACVic, Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic].

Free workshop


Autum 2017

A project by Joan Miquel Gual, given the 2016 Art Jove Education Grant promoted by the Sala d'Art Jove de la Generalitat de Catalunya, in collaboration with ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies.

With the participation of IES Joan Peregrí, Barcelona.

photo line br14, 16, 21 and 23.11.2017
Workshop by Line Sandvad Mengers
with the collaboration of Jordi Lafon and Aurora Gestió de Projectes Socials

In ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

Activity related by the project PAIC Participatory Art for Invisible Communities

Contact Aurora for participate [www.projecteaurora.com]

[view the workshop postal]

seila webWhat are your experiences of the Mèder river, past and present?

The organising body of the Afluents project has issued a local call for any documentation about the river Mèder; photographs, stories, traditions, uses and resources, especially regarding the stretch of the river which passes through Vic.

Afluents will study the river in terms of its symbolism with regard to the industrial, environmental and social past and present in Vic, based upon a collaboration between artist Seila Fernández Arconada, the A+ local collective, residents and other local bodies.


foto newsletter convocatòria paic octubre 2017Interdisciplinary art and social proposals for the electronic book.
Submission deadline, 15th November 2017

The international project PAIC responds to community needs by tailoring artistic methodologies and building capacities of both artists and communities, to establish a platform for exchange and open communication in the field of participatory art.


cartell adoberies visites dramatitzades brDramatitzed visits to the neighbordhood of the Tanneries of Vic
1, 2, 8, 9, 15 and 16.07.2017
Two functions every day, at 6.30 and 8.30 pm
Tickets: 5 €. Free for children under 3 years old 
Ticket sales: ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies i Oficina de Turisme de Vic
Meeting point: ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies


PAIC / VIC | 2017

- WORKSHOP | Sonja Vuk - Jordi Lafon with Aurora Gestió de Projectes Socials, Casal de Mossèn Josep Guiteras, Centre Obert de Vic and Creu Roja

- ROUND TABLE | Anna Dot, Fabiola Mora and Judit Font + Presentation of the results of the workshop Jordi Lafon / Sonja Vuk
Friday 28th April 2017 at 6 pm in ACVic

foto microgrames brProject by Alicia Casadesús and Antoni Clapés

27th and 28th May 2017
Artistic walks

Micrograms is an artistic project which originated from a correspondence between visual artist Alícia Casadesús and poet Antoni Clapés, which they kept up for over three years. Starting out with provisional material, suggested projects, intuitions, notes and outlines, the project continued to develop, culminating in a show of work.

imatge deriva mussolDeriva Mussol is led by Jordi Lafon and Eva Marichalar-Freixa in collaboration with everyone interested in their proposals. Their long professional record in education and visual and performing arts, brought them to embrace walking practices as a way to explore endless possibilities for creation and learning in contemporary contexts.

They enjoy generating actions as well as sharing gathering spaces which are meant to be open, permeable and in motion.

Deriva Mussol is part of Nursery Projects of ACVic Contemporary Center Arts.

[+ information]


parada zero imatge web27.05.2016 - 11.06.2016
Art and City. Vic

Vic is a city which has been driving several extra-local initiatives. It stands out as a city of fairs and markets, as a university city, as a gastronomic city, as a city with a rich historical heritage, or as a city which organises numerous cultural events.

Deriva Mussol Assajant Caminants 14Collective walks
A project curated by Deriva Mussol

Supported by Obertament and the Fundació Centre Mèdic Psicopedagògic d’Osona.
In collaboration with ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies and Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.

Deriva Mussol is part of the Nursery Projets of ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies de Vic.

comunidad15.03.2016 - 24.03.2016
Artistic residence

in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies
Activity subsidized by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte

The ritual that is not constantly changing becomes the standard. This standardization causes the rite to become absorbed within the quotidian. The alteration of the liturgy lets us re-memorise the essence of the ceremonial and the tradition itself, through experience. This alteration, from the most literal gesture, becomes an appropriation of the outside, or of the ritual which has been snatched away from the community, in the reiteration of the customary.mbre.

imatge deriva mussolDeriva Mussol is led by Jordi Lafon and Eva Marichalar-Freixa in collaboration with everyone interested in their proposals.

Vic > Deriva Mussol
New York >
The Walk Exchange

Saturday, 25th May 2013
10 pm ACVic (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)
4.30 pm Outpost Artists Resources (1665 Norman St. Ridgewood, New York)


Following the public presentation by Morir de frio ( Dying of Cold) at ACVic last June, this collective has been included in the programme In Situ to begin a process of joint work, whose main objective is to promote and enhance their current work, which has been displayed on their blog since the beginning of the project.


ImatgeClaudio Romaní21.11.2015

CONSTEL.LACIONS. Project in process
Andrea Olmedo Río, María Salazar Riaño, Rita Buil and non ten xeito

Project's presentation Thuesday 21.11.2012 at 7.00 pm under the program of Nits Digitals
Exhibition: 21.11.2012 - 05.01.2012
Place: ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

vp cat 01The Project Nursery is a program which offers support to artists' projects, individually or collectively, facilitating the connection of those in a social and cultural environment.

FONOTECA 2.0 (Sound Library 2.0) is a project by Paco Arroyo within the residencies programme Campo Adentro and with the collaboration of Cal Gras Alberg de Cultura and ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies.

DERIVA MUSSOL. Work in process.
08.06.2012 - 22.09.2012

Helena Català Rodas, Blanca Garcias Castells, Guillem Vilamitjana Masramon, Ona Castellsagué Bonada, Georgina Martí Farell, Eva Marichalar Freixa, Jordi Lafon Guerrero, Anna Prat Fontseca, Mireia Planàs Serradell i Òscar Pujol Pladevall


Educational documentary project de Joanot Cortés, Jordi Daví, Nicole Balm and Felip Vidal


Selected projects from the open call promoted by ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies with the collaboration of VIT Vic Innovació Tecnològica.


is a residential project from ACVic forming part of iD# Ceci n'est pas une voiture, developed in collaboration between ACVic, Idensitat, Can Xalant and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.

acvic. viver de projectesAn open call to participate in the program Project Nursery.

Until 15.11.2011

Pablo Sanz. Registre de sons2011

refers to a programme establishing the relationship art-nature-rural environment, developed in collaboration between ACVic and Ajuntament de Sant Bartomeu del Grau.


SPOT. Servei Públic d'Optimització de Trastos2011

This is a residential project by MAKEA part of iD Ceci n'est pas une voiture, produced in collaboration with ACVic, Idensitat, Can Xalant and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia.


iD_Ceci n'est pas une voiture2010 - 2011

Within the framework of the project Ceci n’est pas une voiture. Idensitat, Can Xalant Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró and ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, launched an open call for projects of intervention in the public spaces of Mataró and Vic.



Call for a projects of intervention in the public space.

Within the framework of the project Ceci n’est pas une voiture. Nomadic devices loom around the museum, Idensitat, CanXalant. Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró and ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies launch an open call for ideas to develop two projects of intervention in the public spaces of Mataró and Vic.


Project description Ceci n’est pas une voiture.

Collaborative project by Idensitat www.idensitat.net / Can Xalant Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró www.canxalant.org / ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies www.acvic.org

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