
VisitesComentades AEJOC 01 brFree guided visits for schools and centres of further education

Ehibition at ACVIC:

An exhibition of the 21 projects realised within the framework of the tenth edition of Art and School
13/5 – 24/7/2021

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 36 tours with a total of 694 participants. 1386 people visited the exhibition.

EXHIBITION AT Temple Romà, Vic:

10 years of ART AND SCHOOL

21/5 – 27/6/2021

visita esclusa 01 brTHE LEGACY OF LIGHT
Manel Esclusa

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 12 tours with a total of 306 participants. 1.254 people visited the exhibition.

inaguracio cano visites 01 br THE JORDI CANO UNIVERSE
Jordi Cano Exhibition

Curated by Glòria Picazo

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 13 tours with a total of 214 participants. 1.771 people visited the exhibition.

AE11 inauguracio brART + SCHOOL + CARING
12.05 - 30.07.22

Curated by Assumpta Bassas

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 36 tours with a total of 746 participants. 1.696 people visited the exhibition.

visites lux matrix 01 br LUX & MATRIX

Curated by Rosa Martínez
30/9 – 30/12/2022

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 16 tours with a total of 399 participants. 1.965 people visited the exhibition.


visites PerfectDay brTxema Salvans
2/3/2023 - 29/4/2023

Exhibition by Txema Salvans
Organsed by Fotocolectania with the collaboration of ACVIC

Exhibition venue: ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)
Dates: 2/3/2023 - 29/4/2023
Cost: Free visit and activities

visita mortals brMORTALS (Prelude)
4/11/2023 to 27/01/2024

Artists: Rosa Amorós, Susana Casares, Democracia, Alex Gifreu, Albert Potrony, Alicia Santamaria, Anna Vilamú Bosch-Associació, and Adriana Wallis.
Curated by: Roser Sanjuan, Albert Potrony, and Maite Palomo.

Exhibition venue: ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)
Dates: 4/11/2023 to 27/01/2027

17.02 – 27-04.2024

An exhibition by Izaskun Araluzea, Neus Frigola, Marina González Guerreiro, Ariadna Guiteras, Mercedes Pimiento, Mònica Planes and Marc Vives

Curated by Caterina Almirall

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 10 tours with a total of 234 participants. 464 people visited the exhibition.

visita uvic AE13 ART + ESCOLA + MORT
15/5 - 13/7/2024

Curated by Roser Sanjuan

Exhibition of projects from the thirteenth edition of ART I ESCOLA ART + ESCOLA + MORT is an exhibition showcasing the 35 projects from schools which took part in the programme.

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 38 tours with a total of 737 participants. 1.025 people visited the exhibition.

visites fruiz br3 MESOS, 3 SETMANES, 3 DIES.
28.09.24 – 21.01.25

Exhibition Francesc Ruiz

Groups: Guided visit for students in primary and secondary schools, and further education. Also informal education groups, social, cultural, and leisure organisations.

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 20 tours with a total of 421 participants. 895 people visited the exhibition.

difuVisites IsakiLacuesta 01TRILOGY OF HIDDEN REALITY
Isaki Lacuesta

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 15 tours with a total of 205 participants. 1218 people visited the exhibition.

Dates: 21/1 – 30/4/2021
Groups: Recommended for secondary school students 16 years of age and above, students in further education, adult groups.

fotos inauguracio expo amat 17 brBOOK SPACE
Exhibition by Frederic Amat

Curated Vicenç Altaió

EXHIBITION CONCLUDED: There have done 30 tours with a total of 453 participants. 1618 people visited the exhibition.

Dates: 24/1 – 25/4/2020


Isabel Banal | Raquel Friera | Lucía Loren | Olga Olivera-Tabeni | Irene Pérez | Carme Sanglas | Eulàlia Valldosera
Curated by Assumpta Bassas Vila

Dates: 24/1 – 25/4/2020
Groups: Recommended for all ages. Infant and Primary school pupils, secondary school students, students in further education, parents’ association members, family groups, adult groups, leisure groups, etc..

inaug expo democracia acvic 10 brART AND PROPAGANTA BY DEED

Curated by Democracia

Byron Maher / CDR Joan Rebull / El Pressentiment / En Contingencia / Laura Pinta Cazzaniga Monte Perdido 60 Bis / Sitesize

Exhibition concluded: There have done 14 tours with a total of 289 participants. 1052 people visited the exhibition

expo ae refugi 10ART + SCHOOL + REFUGE

Exhibition concluded: There have done 38 tours with a total of 929 participants. 1255 people visited the exhibition.

Dates: 16/5/19 to 27/7/19
Groups: Recommended for all ages. Primary school pupils, secondary school students, students in further education, parents’ association members, family groups, adult groups etc...

expo entusiasme foto generalENTHUSIASM. Challenge and Obstinacy in the MACBA Collection is a travelling exhibition from the Visual Arts Programme of the Artistic Dissemination Office (ODA) of Diputació de Barcelona, organised in conjunction with the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and in collaboration with the municipalities hosting it.

[related activities program]
[exhibition info]


visita expo silenci alzheimer 010 brACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies participates in the Barcelona Center of Contemporary Culture’s (CCCB) Culture and Alzheimer's programme, which brings art and culture closer to people suffering from early stages of the illness, as well as to their caregivers and relatives. The programme offers adapted visits to the exhibitions.

expo armengol seleccio br 03Dates: 10/5/2018 until 12/01/2019
Groups: Recommended for all ages. Primary school pupils, secondary school students, students in further education, parents’ association members, family groups, adult groups etc..

exposicio silencis brDates: 26.01.2018 to 31.03.2018
Groups: Recommended for students at secondary school studying ESO and Batxillerat, students in further education, and university students, senior citizens’ and youth clubs, parents associations, family groups, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): Can be adapted according to group needs
Tour 1: 60 minutes approx. Guided Visit + educational activity 1
Tour 2: 90 minutes approx. Guided Visit + educational activity 2
Fee: Free

expo PAIC brPAIC project

Dates: 24/11/17 to 20/1/18
Groups: Recommended for all ages. Primary school pupils, secondary school students, students in further education, parents’ association members, family groups, etc..
Approximate duration: 60 minutes (adaptable to group needs).
Cost: Free

exposicio congost morey brSPLIT SCREEN
Carles Congost / Joan Morey

Toni Ferron 

Dates: 14/9/17 to 18/11/17
Groups: Recommended for students of secondary school ESO and Batxillerat, students in further education, and university students, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 50 to 90 mins (30 mins visit + 20 to 60 mins educational activity)
Fee: Free

visitaCAOS brAn exhibition of projects from the sixth edition of Art + School+Chaos

Dates: 11/5/17 al 23/5/17
Groups: Recommended for pupils from Upper Primary School, secondary school ESO and Batxillerat, students in further education, and university, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 60 minutes (visit+educational activity)
Fee: Free 

Xavi Bové, Miquel Garcia i Andrea Gómez

Exhibition venue: ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Dates: 17.02.17 al 13.04.17
Groups: Recommended for pupils from Upper Primary School, secondary school ESO and Batxillerat, students in further education, and university, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 60 minutes (visit+educational activity)
Fee: Free

muntatge visita permeabilitats br

Exhibition by Joan Furriols, Pep Montoya and Jordi Lafon

Exhibition venue: Museu de l’Art de la Pell [c, Arquebisbe Alemany, 5. Vic]
Educational activity by ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Dates: 11/10/16 to 31/12/16
Groups: Recommended for pupils from secondary schools, students in further education, and university, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 60/ 90 minutes (visit+educational activity)
Fee: Free

muntatge visita AE05 brExhibition: ART + ESCOLA + BUIT
Dates: 5/5/16 to 31/7/16
Groups: Pupils of all ages from primary and secondary schools, as well as students in further education, youth clubs, parents associations, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 50 minutes (25minutes visit, 25 minutes educational activity)
Fee: Free

muntatge visita coloriblacinegre webExhibition: EN COLOR I EN BLANC I NEGRE Entre utopies i realitats.
Teresa Mulet and Jordi Colomer

Dates: 5/2/16 to 2/4/16
Groups: Pupils from primary and secondary schools, students in further education, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity (approximately): 50 minutes (20 minutes visit, 30 minutes educational activity)
Fee: Free
Observations: ACVic will give teaching staff an opportunity to visit the exhibition in advance, and to join the guided visit, in order to adapt their group's visit to suit.

muntatge visita economies ECONOMIES DEL DESGAST

Toni Giró i Jordi Mitjà
Cured by Magdala Perpinyà

Dates: Until 31/12/15
Groups: Pupils from primary and secondary schools, students in further education, youth clubs, and adults in general
Duration of Activity: 50 minutes (25 minutes visit, 25 minutes educational activity)
Fee: Free

muntatge visita llumART + ESCOLA + LLUM

Fitxa tècnica:

Dates: Del 15.05.15 al 31.07.15
Grups: Estudiants d’Educació Infantil, Primària, Secundària, Batxillerat, Casals, Escoles d’estiu, estudis superiors i grups d’adults.
Durada aproximada:1 hora: 30’ visita // Activitat: 30’ aprox
Preu: Gratuïta

Since October 2012, and running until January 2013, a guided tour has been made available of the exhibition Art + School + Context, including the presentation of the projects Art and School 01 and Al portal de casa_ i els constructors_ Mataró, with a complementary educational activity, available on request, to look in depth at the exhibition's content.

muntatge visita cocreacioExhibition:
Mechanisms of collective creation

Dates: Until 18/04/2015

Groups of pupils from primary and secondary schools, students in higher education, and adult groups.

Approximate length: 30 mins approx // Activity: 25 mins approx

Price: Free

Notes: ACVic offers teachers the option to visit the exhibition and take the guided tour beforehand, and adapt it to the group.

There will be a guided tour for teachers on Wednesday 25th March at 17:30. [Please confirm attendance]

Visit to the Francesc Abad and Ona Bros exhibitions, accompanied by a guide from the Centre. Two projects, which in a very different way reflect upon on the passage of time, a journey through personal and collective memory, now become history to help us rethink the future.

Sumary information:

Dates: From 4/7/13 until 28/9/13
Groups: Pupils from Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools, pupils intending to take further studies, students in further education, and also groups of adults.
Approximate duration: Visit, 45 mins // Activity, 45 mins – 1 hr.

muntatge expo paisatge

Dates: from 10/10/2014 until 10/01/2014
Groups: Pupils from primary and secondary education, further education students, and students in adult education
Approximate duration: 25 mins approx // Activity: 25 mins approx
Price: Free
Observations: ACVic offets to teaching staff the opportunity to visit the exhibition in advance, in order to adapt the guided visit according to group needs. A guided visit for teaching staff will take place on Tuesday 11th November at 5.30 pm ( Attendance must be confirmed with the centre)

Sumary information:

Dates: 08/11/2013 to 02/08/2014
Groups: Pupils from Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools, pupils intending to take further studies, students in further education, and also groups of adults.
Approximate duration: Visit: 45 mins/ / Activity: 30 mins

muntatge visites extralocals brSumary information:

28/02/2014 to 05/03/2014

Specifically suitable for students of Primary, Secondary, Secondary, higher education and adult groups. 

Approximate time: 45 minutes. 


ACVic offers teachers the option of an advance guided tour to the exhibition, so it may be adapted to a particular group. 

There will be a guided tour for teachers on 3 April at 5:30 pm. [Please confirm attendance] 

muntatge expo-AEXarxesSumary information:

Dates: from 15.05.2014 to 20.09.2014
Specifically suitable for pupils in Pre-school,  Primary and Secondary school, Baccalaureate studies, students in higher education and adult groups.
Approximate time:
40 mins approx. // Activity: 20 mins approx.
ACVic offers teachers the option of an advance visit to the exhibition, as well as a guided tour suited to their particular group.

There will be a guided tour for teachers on Thursday 29th may at 17.30h. [Please confirm attendance]

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