

Cami Aline brKAGALI - VIC

This year's edition of Art and School invites a school in Kigali, Rwanda, to participate in its programme, taking advantage of the fact that artists Toni Casassas and Mireia Bover are working in Rwanda on the project "Aline's Path", an experimental art project that uses visual art as a medium for collective creation and communication across the world.

The artists will develop workshops around the concept of caring at Aline's place of origin, which is a school for children with physical disabilities belonging to the NGO Tic Rwanda.

The two artists are hosted by the Kigali Centre for Photography, where they have offered their collaboration in the development of creative workshops, the results of which will be exhibited at the Centre.

Kigali Centre for Photography has an exhibition space, and manages a variety of educational projects, such as Learning for Change (an educational programme that provides artistic skills to young people from different backgrounds) and Women's Eye (a photographic tutoring and training programme focused on girls and women in Rwanda, providing career assistance in photography, education and personal expression).

El Camí de l’Aline https://tonicasassas.wixsite.com/alinedocumental/project

Kigali Center for Photography https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4JD9D6nlOs

Toni Casassas i Mireia Bover

In collaboration with
Tic ruanda Tic Catalunya Kigali Center For Photography
ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

Supported by
L'ajuntament de Vic
Fundació Puig-Porret
Institut Ramon Llull

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