What are your experiences of the Mèder river, past and present?
The organising body of the Afluents project has issued a local call for any documentation about the river Mèder; photographs, stories, traditions, uses and resources, especially regarding the stretch of the river which passes through Vic.
Afluents will study the river in terms of its symbolism with regard to the industrial, environmental and social past and present in Vic, based upon a collaboration between artist Seila Fernández Arconada, the A+ local collective, residents and other local bodies.
The project will afford an opportunity to share all narrative experiences of the river, in order to begin to create a local archive of the river Mèder’s social and environmental culture. We will examine the river as a meeting-point among districts, gathering it into the local culture, and making it possible to protect it.
A public presentation will take place on the 18th of November.
Final date for collection of documents: 15th of November.
You can bring documents to ACVic (Sant Francesc, 1), or send them by correu electrònic to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Pictures and photographs will be scanned and returned to their owners, with credit given for their participation in the project. Videos, texts and sound recordings would also be very useful.
We would be exremely grateful for your participation.
+ info:
Afluents is part of the CAPP project, and is co-produced by hablarenarte and ACVic, with the support of Europa Creativa (EACEA) and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).