12th-13th March 2010
Coordinators: Ferran Blancafort i Meritxell Inaraja
"The place is fascinating, transports you to the past. The experience is very real, the place is very real, but it evokes a bygone world. This is also virtual reality, although it is not easy to distinguish." Carlos Arroyo
Time passes and makes it inevitable and necessary to intervene in our heritage of construction, with actions that lead buildings of the past, reluctantly, to modernity.
How to make this intervention? what are the reasons to do so? How should those few unused buildings be integrated into modernity ? How might this be formalised?
There are many groups, from property owners, to heritage preservation societies , to the tanners Association, and so on... , with an interest in the heritage represented by Vic tanneries. The College of Architects and ACVIC. Contemporary Arts Centre wish to encourage debate to supply an answer to these questions, from the subjectivity and laterality of a strictly architectural and artistic view.
Several distinguished architects give their opinions, aiming to enrich the debate and promote the interests of architecture of future interventions
Emili Bayón / Miquel Surinyach / Fernando Espuelas / Benedetta Tagliabue / Santiago Cirugeda / Juan Domingo Santos / Roger Costa / Dolors Ylla-Català
Organised by: ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies and Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya. Delegació d'Osona
Friday 12th March 2010
ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Opening session
Visit to the Tanneries guided by Emili Bayón
Director of Museu de l’Art de la Pell
Miquel Surinyach
Fernando Espuelas
12 – 12.30pm
12.30- 1.30pm
Benedetta Tagliabue
1.30 – 5pm
Santiago Cirugeda
6 – 6.30pm
Juan Domingo Santos
Saturday, 13th March 2010
Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic
Presentations of degree projects
Round table
Roger Costa, Juan Domingo Santos, Miquel Surinyach, Emili Bayón i Dolors Ylla-CatalàFernando Espuelas
Architect since 1978. He received his Ph.D. in 1990 with the thesis El claro en el bosque. Reflections on emptiness in architecture, led by Juan Navarro Baldeweg and published by the Fundación Caja de Arquitectos. He is currently Professor of Architectural Design at the School of Architecture at the European University of Madrid, where he was director from 2003 to 2006. Publishes regularly in architectural journals. Among his works are the Auditorium of Colmenar Viejo and libraries of El Escorial and Colmenar Viejo. Currently participating in the research project Space and subjectivity. Author of El claro en el bosque. Reflexiones sobre el vacío en Arquitectura (1999) and Madre Materia (2009),bringing together, in these monographs, architecture, art and philosophy. He also investigates the possibility of a hermeneutics of architecture linked to the discourse on privacy.
Juan Domingo Santos
Architect and professor at the Architecture School of Granada and Visiting Professor at the Polytechnic School of Lausanne (Switzerland). His work has been exhibited in national events like the Biennial of Spanish Architecture (1993-1994) , international events like the 7th Architecture Biennial in Venice and On-Site, New Architecture in Spain, organized by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, forming part of the permanent collection of the Architecture and Design Museum. He has been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe (2007) awards. Since 1993 he has collaborated with the architect Alvaro Siza Vieira in the construction of the Zaida building in the historic center of Granada.
Benedetta Tagliabue
Born in Milan in 1963, graduated from the Instituto Universitario de architectura Venice in 1989. Collaborated from 1990 with Enric Miralles, with whom she formed the studio EMBT Miralles Tagliabue in 1993, and which she still directs. Participates in prestigious academic institutions around the world such as the School of Architecture in Barcelona and TEC in Monterrey - Mexico. She is a frequent lecturer in architectural schools and institutions worldwide, such as the RIBA, the AA and the Bartlett School in London, Columbia University- New York and University of Shenyang in China, among others. She was named doctora honoris causa by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Napier University in Edinburgh in 2004. She is also honorary member of RIAS (Royal Institute of Architects of Scotland) and RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects). Currently, her studio is working on the entrance to a subway station in Naples, a music school in Gandia, the Spanish pavilion for the Shanghai World Exposition 2010 and in the port HafenCity of Hamburg.Santiago Cirugeda
Santiago Cirugeda is an architect and founder of the studio Recetas Urbanas. Recetas Urbanas has developed subversion projects in different urban contexts over many years, from systematic occupation of public spaces with containers to the construction of prostheses in facades, patios, decks and vacant lots. All these projects negotiate between legality and illegality, to remind us of the enormous amount of control to whic h we are subjected. The studio's members perform architectural projects, write articles and participate in various educational and cultural communities.