The touring exhibition forms part of the cultural services programme of the Direcció General de Promoció i Cooperació Cultural, offered to municipal art centres and museums. Its mission is to promote contemporary artistic practices in Catalonia as a whole and bring them closer to the people.
Locations and dates for roaming:
- Capella de Sant Pelegrí. Vilafranca del Penedès
Plaça Jaume I, 1 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
26.11.2011 - 22.01.2012
- Espai d'Art Moritz. Cornellà de Llobregat
C. Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, 16-18. (Bajos interior). 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat
02.02.2012 - 01.04.2012
- Museu Abelló. Mollet del Vallès
C de Berenguer III, 122 08100 Mollet del Vallès
24.05.2012 - 26.08.2012
Rambla, 2. 17600 Figueres
07.09.2012 - 27.09.2012
- ROCA UMBERT. Fàbrica de les Arts. Granollers
C. Mare de Deu de Montserrat, 36. 08401 Granollers
22.11.2012 - 27.01.2013
> Currently the exhibition is:
- Can Palauet. Mataró
C. d’en Palau, 32
08.02.2013 - 28.04.2013
- Sala Muntcunill. Terrassa
pl. Didó, 3. 08221 Terrassa
11.05.2013 - 23.06.2013
With the exhibition "Through the Looking Glass", Joan Fontcuberta (Barcelona, 1955) fully involves himself in a number of issues, crucial in the contemporary debate on artistic practices, arising from the use of new technologies in the field of global communication. Art, even though sometimes considered as belonging to a marginal area of contemporary activities, cannot escape forming part of this broad spectrum of communication.
The exhibition invites us to reflect on the increasing number of images, on their importance , on the proliferation of creators versus the transformation of the traditional concept of authorship, the ease with which images can be generated, the loss of control over their meaning and usage, the potential of the internet for their dissemination and viral spread , threats over privacy versus the public dramatisation of intimacy, all elements clarified and enhanced through the use of social networks and, in this case, connecting with an artistic perspective.Compiling these images of people photographed in front of the mirror, ost of them published and disseminated through Internet social networking, projecting them in a superimposition of mirror-like self-portraits, the exhibition space is transformed by the confluence of multiple overlapped images, to become a saturated scenario where a performance of unbridled subjectivity takes place in which, as Joan Fontcuberta has said, "playful self-examination prevails over memory." In the exhibition there is a device equipped with a camera and a program with which the viewer may add, if desired, his/her self-portrait.
Joan Fontcuberta has said, in a previous presentation of his work, that broadly speaking there are two types of photography, the one belonging to a decorative sphere and the one in the field of thought; that which embellishes and that which provokes thought . Since the beginning of his career, Fontcuberta has worked in the field of photography leading
to reflection, subverting reality, and generating and inscribing a new reality in the mind of the viewer.
(Extract from the article "Tensions, dispersions and changes," Ramon Parramon, the exhibition catalogue).
- Dossier de premsa d'"A través del mirall. Joan Fontcuberta" [PDF, 911,10 KB.]
- "A través del mirall. Joan Fontcuberta". Catàleg en alta resolució [PDF, 76,58 MB.]
- "A través del mirall. Joan Fontcuberta". Catàleg en baixa resolució [PDF, 5,15 MB.]
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ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Project directors and curators:
Ramon Parramon i Joan Fontcuberta
Tour coordination and organisation:
Direcció General de Promoció i Cooperació Cultural, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, with the cooperation of the town councils of Vilafranca del Penedès, Cornellà de Llobregat, Mollet del Vallès, Figueres, Granollers, Mataró and Terrassa.Producció executiva:
ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Imatges de les itineràncies