Conference by Xavi Capmany
Considerations on the published works of Frederic Amat
Activitat related to the exhibition Books space at ACVIC
Thursday, 10th December at 7 pm
at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)
Aforament limitat sotmès a les mesures sanitàries dictades en el moment de la realització de l’activitat.
Streaming in the ACVIC's Youtube profile [view the link].
Xavi Capmany i Miró (Rubí, 1965) is an educator, designer and currently director of the Escola Massana. Interested in the creative fact, beauty and thought, he has qualifications in Fine Arts (UB) and the Master's Degree in Comparative Studies of Literature, Art and Thought (UPF). As well as his professional practice, he has taught in various schools of art and design and has written in various professional media, catalogues and books.
For some years now he has been researching the published works of Frederic Amat and, by extension, his career and work.
Conference by Xavi Capmany