Exhibition by Toni Carrasco and Carles Dachs
19.11 to 30.12.2022
Opening, Saturday 19th November at 12th noon at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)
Photo: Capvespre al mur de Berlin, Toni Carrasco. 2007
Photographic Stories is a dialogue between an image and a text. An image, created in a journalistic context, comes into the hands of a writer who, without having more information than the image itself, prepares a text. A text that highlights the poetics of the image.
D’esquena al mur, el vespre es torna fang
quan cau damunt dels guixarots de plata;
a terra, lluny del cel que trenca el blanc,
retens un punt de nit just quan esclata.
D’esquena al mur, cada angle és un barranc
per on s’estimba la verdor barata
d’una herba que, amb el seu marró de sang,
una ala d’ombra fa semblar una mata.
Darrere el mur, hi ha un altre mur que espera:
acanalat, el vent que hi bufa al mig
no sap si és de record o de desig;
i el buit que deixa xucla, es fa cinglera:
d’on ve el present, quan ets d’esquena al mur?
On va el passat, quan passa per futur?
Carles Dachs
With its back to the wall, the evening turns to clay / when it falls on the silver pebbles; / on the ground, far from the sky that breaks the white, / you hold a speck of night just as it erupts. / With its back to the wall, every corner is a ravine / where falls the cheap greenery / of grass that, with its rusty blood, / a wing of shadow makes seem like a bush. / Behind the wall, another wall awaits: / grooved, the wind blowing in the middle / it does not know if it is from memory or desire; / and the void which it leaves sucks in, becomes a cliff: / where does the present come from, when you have your back to the wall? / where does the past go, when it resembles the future?
Toni Carrasco i Duran (Vic, 1965). At the age of fourteen, self-taught, he began collaborating as a Centelles correspondent for the weekly Ausona, lasting more than twenty years.
He is a founding member of El Portal de Centelles. He has worked in several local and regional media newsrooms and has collaborated from Osona Sud for La Vanguardia and TV3. As a tireless traveller he has visited more than 50 countries. Currently, as a freelance photojournalist, he publishes cultural and gastronomic news in Nació Digital and Més Osona for the counties of Garrotxa, Lluçanès, Moianès, Bages, Ripollès and Osona.
Carles Dachs Clotet (Santa Eugènia de Berga, 1987) has a degree in Catalan Philology from the UAB. He has published Suc de llum (Editorial Fonoll, 2010), A dalt mes alt (Pagès Editors, 2015) and Vent a la mà (Edicions 62, 2021; ‘Crítica Serra d'Or’ Award 2022). He taught Catalan at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest between 2017 and 2021.